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Deligest arrives, all the information at the service of your logistics

We present Deligest, our monthly report on the operation of your logistics in our solution.


At Deliverea we work so that our users always have all the information they need. Knowing what use you make of the solution will allow you to value your logistics and detect possible improvements in your operations. Data is power and for this reason we have created Deligest, a report that you will receive once a month where you can find relevant metrics of how you work with Deliverea.

What will you find in the Deligest?

In the monthly report, which we will send you by email, you will have a series of parameters that will summarize your monthly logistics activity in our solution . These metrics are:

  • Shipments : You will find the total number of shipments you have made through our solution.
  • Returns : We will inform you about the number of returns you have received.
  • Most used carrier : you will be able to know the operator with which you have worked the most.
  • Incidents : in this section you will see what incidents your operation has suffered.
  • Deliveries : here you will see of the total of your shipments, how many have been delivered.
  • International shipments : in this section we tell you what percentage of your operations is international.

Remember also that you can continuously have this information in the dashboard of our API . As you can see in the image