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Deliverea logística Multicarrier: CTT Express

Our goal is to have a complete carrier offer that adapts to the different needs of all operations.

CTT Express

CTT Express is the Spanish subsidiary of CTT, a company that manages postal mail in Portugal . Created in 2020, it has more than 200 agents in Spain and 2,500 service points in Portugal.

Where do you work?

It operates in Iberian territory, in Ceuta and Melilla and in the islands (Canary and Balearic). He also does international expeditions.

What services does it provide?

  • Express delivery service: they offer urgent services depending on the time of delivery (8:30, 10:00, 13:30) and the geographical area.
  • 24h or 48h delivery service: delivery in the Iberian territory within one or two days, including Portugal.
  • Delivery in the Canary Islands: urgent delivery air service, 24 hours, or ordinary 48 hours. They have an economical maritime service, between 4-7 days for delivery. They also offer flat rate island delivery for eCommerce.
  • Delivery in the Balearic Islands: urgent delivery service in the Balearic Islands, before 2:00 p.m. or before 24h.
  • Service in Ceuta and Melilla: delivery within 24-48 hours. of admission.

Who does it suit?

Being of Portuguese origin, CTT Express is an advisable option for operations whose destination is the Portuguese country . The operator has a key deployment and infrastructure in the country.

You can access the following link where we explain how to configure CTT Express in Deliverea and know the details of available services and methods.

And remember, if you have any questions about Deliverea multicarrier logistics, consult our help center.