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New multi-carrier functionality: Status Page

The new multi-carrier functionality is now available: Status Page, a new server status page . In this new version, you will be able to see in detail the status of:

  • APP (client area)
  • API
  • Carriers

The new page allows you to subscribe in a very simple way, indicating the email in which you want to receive the alerts . Alerts can be of different types:

  • Bug resolution: we will publish the bugs that we solve, in this way we keep you up to date with all the adjustments that we are making.
  • Service outages by carriers : when a carrier has problems on its server we will publish an entry indicating the affected Carrier and the time, once the carrier has solved the problem, we will publish another entry with the resolution and the time it has been interrupted the service.

To access the new multi-carrier functionality: Status Page you can go to the web in the resources section or click on the following link .